Se­cure and Cost-Ef­fec­tive Pro­tec­tion

SmartPro­tect: The pro­tec­tive func­tion for your ma­chin­ery

The IFTA SmartPro­tect sys­tem is de­signed for pure pro­tec­tion func­tions, but with­out the data record­ing and di­ag­nos­tics of the IFTA Ar­gusOMDS sys­tem. It is ideal for cost-ef­fec­tive pro­tec­tion of in­stal­la­tions where ex­ten­sive data anal­y­sis and long-term data record­ing are not re­quired.

If nec­es­sary, di­ag­nos­tics and data record­ing for short- and long-term use can be eas­i­ly retro­fit­ted to an IFTA Ar­gusOMDS sys­tem at any time.

  • Mea­sure­ment
  • Anal­y­sis
  • Mon­i­tor­ing
  • Pro­tec­tion
  • Sim­ple in­te­gra­tion into ex­ist­ing con­trol sys­tems (field­bus, ana­log, dig­i­tal)
  • Crit­i­cal op­er­at­ing states are avoid­ed and im­por­tant pa­ram­e­ters are sig­nalled to the con­trol room
  • Pure pro­tec­tion - with­out data record­ing and di­ag­nos­tics
  • Field of ap­pli­ca­tion: Small plants and gas tur­bines; the focus is on pro­tec­tive func­tions
  • Up­grade­able with anal­y­sis and record­ing func­tion for short- or long-term use
  • Op­tion­al with ther­mo-acous­tic early warn­ing sys­tem IFTA PreCur­sor

What Makes SmartPro­tect Unique?

Ad­van­tages of the Pro­tec­tion Sys­tem

  • Cost-ef­fec­tive pro­tec­tion so­lu­tion for ap­pli­ca­tions that do not re­quire data record­ing
  • FFT-based sig­nal pro­cess­ing pro­vides max­i­mum flex­i­bil­i­ty
  • Mon­i­tor up to 25 fre­quen­cy bands per chan­nel
  • Early warn­ing sys­tem IFTA PreCur­sor for com­bus­tion os­cil­la­tions op­tion­al­ly avail­able
  • Data serv­er is up­grade­able to full IFTA Ar­gusOMDS sys­tem for long-term stor­age and data anal­y­sis with IFTA TrendView­er. This up­grade can be tem­po­rary or per­ma­nent as re­quired
  • Risk min­i­miza­tion through rapid reg­u­la­tion and in­ter­ven­tion be­fore dam­age oc­curs
  • Au­tonomous long-term mon­i­tor­ing: In the event of a power fail­ure, the sys­tem au­to­mat­i­cal­ly restarts and con­tin­ues its pro­tec­tive func­tion
  • High­ly flex­i­ble in­puts such as in AD4Pro
  • SmartPro­tect is based on a dig­i­tal sig­nal pro­ces­sor (DSP) and thus en­sures 24/7 undis­turbed op­er­a­tion, which is a pre­req­ui­site for real-time ca­pa­ble pro­tec­tion sys­tems

The Cost-Ef­fec­tive So­lu­tion for Dy­nam­ic Phenom­e­na

The IFTA SmartPro­tect sys­tem is de­signed for the con­trol or pro­tec­tion shut­down of the fol­low­ing com­po­nents:


  • Com­bus­tion cham­bers
  • Ro­tors
  • Com­pres­sors
  • Blades
  • Gear­box/Bear­ings
  • Engines

The cost-ef­fec­tive IFTA SmartPro­tect sys­tem is used when no data record­ing func­tion­al­i­ty is re­quired.

A typ­i­cal sce­nario: Our cus­tomer has sev­er­al iden­ti­cal sys­tems in use. One of the sys­tems is mon­i­tored and an­a­lyzed 24/7 by an IFTA Ar­gusOMDS sys­tem. If cer­tain limit val­ues are ex­ceed­ed, the ma­chine/plant is au­to­mat­i­cal­ly in­ter­fered with. If an­oth­er ma­chine of the same de­sign is used, it is there­fore not ab­so­lute­ly nec­es­sary to equip it with data record­ing as well. A pro­tec­tive switch-off when the limit value is ex­ceed­ed is suf­fi­cient and no­tice­ably more cost-ef­fec­tive.

Per­fect­ly Matched Com­po­nents in the SmartPro­tect Sys­tem


Flex­i­ble in­­­puts/out­­­puts

  • Dy­­­nam­ic sig­n­als can be re­­­cor­d­ed with the AD4 fam­i­ly input mod­­­ules
  • For slow­er sig­n­als, the AD32 input mod­­­ule is avail­­able
  • For tor­­­­sion­al vi­bra­­­tions the input mod­­­ule AT2 is avail­­able
  • Input mod­­­ules can be up­­­­­grad­ed at any time and thus en­­­able the ac­quis­i­­­tion of a wide var­i­e­ty of data

Sim­­pli­­fied in­­teg­ra­­tion

  • The SmartPro­tect sys­tem is based upon a mod­­u­lar hard- and soft­­ware ar­chi­tec­­ture. Such flex­ib­il­i­ty al­lows to adapt meas­ure­­ment, ana­lys­is and mon­it­or­ing to vary­ing ma­­chine types and cus­­tom­er spe­­cif­ic ap­­plic­a­­tions
  • Sim­ple com­­mu­nic­a­­tion with the con­trol sys­tems, wheth­er ana­log or di­git­al. By tran­s­mit­t­ing all mon­i­tored para­met­ers, the con­trol sys­tem of the ma­­chine pre­vents crit­ic­al op­er­at­ing states
  • With the Profib­us or Profinet mod­­ule, the sys­tem can be eas­i­ly in­­teg­rat­ed into field­­bus en­vir­on­­ments. Two re­­dund­ant bus in­­ter­­faces en­­sure high re­li­ab­il­i­ty

Real-time pro­tec­tion

  • The di­git­al sig­­nal pro­ces­sor provid­es a real-time sig­­nal ana­lys­is and re­sponse. In con­­trast to Win­­dows-based solu­­tions, this en­ables the pro­­cess­ing of al­­gorithms/ana­lys­is/cal­cu­la­­tions and sig­nal­ing re­quired in in­­­dus­tri­al en­vir­on­­ments for real-time pro­tec­­tion sys­tems
  • If you do not re­quire a real-time pro­tec­­tion func­­tion, we re­­com­­mend the mea­sure­ment sys­tem IFTA Dyn­aMaster


Ad­­van­t­age of SmartPro­tect: Pro­tect ma­chin­ery cost-ef­fec­tive­ly - grow as need­ed:
For the fol­low­ing re­quire­­ments we re­­com­­mend an up­­­grade to the IFTA Ar­gusOMDS sys­tem:

  • To an­a­lyze data with IFTA TrendView­er
  • To record data 24/7
    If you only want to record data tem­po­rar­ily, e.g. for com­mis­sion­ing a plant, then an IFTA SmartPro­tect sys­tem can be tem­po­rar­ily ex­tend­ed to the IFTA Ar­gusOMDS sys­tem by adding an IFTA SlotPC